Who are we and what we do
La dirección de este sitio web es http://talycual.com y pertenece a TALYCUAL PRODUCCIONES, SL, con CIF B91813709 y domicilio en Sevilla, Calle Lagar nº 5. Nuestro objeto social es, entre otros, la producción y distribución de obras cinematográficas, audiovisuales y teatrales.
Photographies and videos included in this website may be subject to copyright. Posting this material in our website by no means imply the author's acceptance about any use of his/her work not directly related to the productions for which they were made.
What data are collected and why
Contact form
The purpose of the Contact Fom is allowing the user to send a message to the webmaster of this website containing the info submitted by the user, from which only name and email are required fields. The aforementioned data will be stored with the sole objective of replying to the query and it will be destroyed thereafter.
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Embedded content from third party websites
Some pages in this website include embedded video from Vimeo.com and YouTube.com. Watching these videos by the user is just like if they were being watched directly from these websites, so they may be use cookies, third party trackers and/or monitor user's interaction with that embedded video.